Module Brzo_ocaml_be

OCaml domain best-effort helpers.

Resolver helpers

type ambs = [
| `Ambs of (B00_ocaml.Mod.Name.t * B00_std.Fpath.t list) list

The type for ambiguous external resolutions. The module name and the list of files that could match.

resolve_intf_deps is like resolve_impl_deps but for compiling and interface.

resolve_comp_deps r ~code ~local_mods ~in_dir deps resolve deps for compiling an implementation to code assuming local module local_mods are compiled in in_dir. This results in local_objs, ext_objs, unresolved, amb with:

  • local_deps are path to compilation objects that corresponds to local_mods.
  • ext_objs are external compilatino objects as resolved by r and its constraints.
  • unresolved are the elements of deps that couldn't be resolved.
  • amb are the external resolutions that were ambiguous.

handle_amb_deps file ~unresolved ambs continues if ambs is empty and otherwise fails the fiber (* FIXME *) with help on how to restrict the resolver or getting unresolved dependencies. file is the file for which amibguities were reported.

val handle_miss_user_deps : Brzo_b0_ocaml.Mod_resolver.t -> [ `Miss_deps of Brzo_b0_ocaml.Mod_resolver.dep list ] -> unit B00_std.Fut.t

handle_miss_user_deps r miss k continues with k if miss is empty and otherwise fails the Fut.t with help on how to try to get the missing dependencies.


val suggest_pkgs_for_mod_name : B00_ocaml.Mod.Name.t -> pkgs:(string * string option) list -> [ `Fuzzy_prefix_match of string list | `Prefix_match of string | `None ]

suggest_package_for_mod_name m pkgs does basically what it says.