Module Includecore

exception Dont_match
type position = Ctype.Unification_trace.position =
| First
| Second
type label_mismatch =
| Type
| Mutability of position
type record_mismatch =
| Label_mismatch of Types.label_declaration * Types.label_declaration * label_mismatch
| Label_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
| Label_missing of position * Ident.t
| Unboxed_float_representation of position
type constructor_mismatch =
| Type
| Arity
| Inline_record of record_mismatch
| Kind of position
| Explicit_return_type of position
type variant_mismatch =
| Constructor_mismatch of Types.constructor_declaration * Types.constructor_declaration * constructor_mismatch
| Constructor_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
| Constructor_missing of position * Ident.t
type extension_constructor_mismatch =
| Constructor_privacy
| Constructor_mismatch of Ident.t * Types.extension_constructor * Types.extension_constructor * constructor_mismatch
type type_mismatch =
| Arity
| Privacy
| Kind
| Constraint
| Manifest
| Variance
| Record_mismatch of record_mismatch
| Variant_mismatch of variant_mismatch
| Unboxed_representation of position
| Immediate of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
val type_declarations : ?equality:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool -> string -> Types.type_declaration -> Path.t -> Types.type_declaration -> type_mismatch option
val extension_constructors : loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool -> Ident.t -> Types.extension_constructor -> Types.extension_constructor -> extension_constructor_mismatch option
val report_type_mismatch : string -> string -> string -> Format.formatter -> type_mismatch -> unit
val report_extension_constructor_mismatch : string -> string -> string -> Format.formatter -> extension_constructor_mismatch -> unit