Module Typecore

type type_forcing_context =
| If_conditional
| If_no_else_branch
| While_loop_conditional
| While_loop_body
| For_loop_start_index
| For_loop_stop_index
| For_loop_body
| Assert_condition
| Sequence_left_hand_side
| When_guard
type type_expected = private {
ty : Types.type_expr;
explanation : type_forcing_context option;
val mk_expected : ?explanation:type_forcing_context -> Types.type_expr -> type_expected
val is_nonexpansive : Typedtree.expression -> bool
module Datatype_kind : sig ... end
type wrong_name = {
type_path : Path.t;
kind : Datatype_kind.t;
name : string Asttypes.loc;
valid_names : string list;
type existential_restriction =
| At_toplevel(*

no existential types at the toplevel

| In_group(*

nor with let ... and ...

| In_rec(*

or recursive definition

| With_attributes(*

or let[@any_attribute] = ...

| In_class_args(*

or in class arguments class c (...) = ...

| In_class_def(*

or in class c = let ... in ...

| In_self_pattern(*

or in self pattern

val type_expression : Env.t -> Parsetree.expression -> Typedtree.expression
val type_class_arg_pattern : string -> Env.t -> Env.t -> Asttypes.arg_label -> Parsetree.pattern -> Typedtree.pattern * (Ident.t * Ident.t * Types.type_expr) list * Env.t * Env.t
val check_partial : ?lev:int -> Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Location.t -> Typedtree.value list -> Typedtree.partial
val extract_option_type : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val generalizable : int -> Types.type_expr -> bool
val reset_delayed_checks : unit -> unit
val force_delayed_checks : unit -> unit
val name_pattern : string -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Ident.t
val name_cases : string -> Typedtree.value list -> Ident.t
val self_coercion : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list ref
type error =
| Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
| Label_mismatch of Longident.t * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Pattern_type_clash : Ctype.Unification_trace.t * _ Typedtree.pattern_desc option -> error
| Or_pattern_type_clash of Ident.t * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Multiply_bound_variable of string
| Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
| Expr_type_clash of Ctype.Unification_trace.t * type_forcing_context option * Typedtree.expression_desc option
| Apply_non_function of Types.type_expr
| Apply_wrong_label of Asttypes.arg_label * Types.type_expr * bool
| Label_multiply_defined of string
| Label_missing of Ident.t list
| Label_not_mutable of Longident.t
| Wrong_name of string * type_expected * wrong_name
| Name_type_mismatch of Datatype_kind.t * Longident.t * Path.t * Path.t * (Path.t * Path.t) list
| Invalid_format of string
| Undefined_method of Types.type_expr * string * string list option
| Undefined_inherited_method of string * string list
| Virtual_class of Longident.t
| Private_type of Types.type_expr
| Private_label of Longident.t * Types.type_expr
| Private_constructor of Types.constructor_description * Types.type_expr
| Unbound_instance_variable of string * string list
| Instance_variable_not_mutable of string
| Not_subtype of Ctype.Unification_trace.t * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Outside_class
| Value_multiply_overridden of string
| Coercion_failure of Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr * Ctype.Unification_trace.t * bool
| Too_many_arguments of bool * Types.type_expr * type_forcing_context option
| Abstract_wrong_label of Asttypes.arg_label * Types.type_expr * type_forcing_context option
| Scoping_let_module of string * Types.type_expr
| Not_a_variant_type of Longident.t
| Incoherent_label_order
| Less_general of string * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Modules_not_allowed
| Cannot_infer_signature
| Not_a_packed_module of Types.type_expr
| Unexpected_existential of existential_restriction * string * string list
| Invalid_interval
| Invalid_for_loop_index
| No_value_clauses
| Exception_pattern_disallowed
| Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard
| Inlined_record_escape
| Inlined_record_expected
| Unrefuted_pattern of Typedtree.pattern
| Invalid_extension_constructor_payload
| Not_an_extension_constructor
| Literal_overflow of string
| Unknown_literal of string * char
| Illegal_letrec_pat
| Illegal_letrec_expr
| Illegal_class_expr
| Letop_type_clash of string * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Andop_type_clash of string * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Bindings_type_clash of Ctype.Unification_trace.t
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
val report_error : loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> error -> Location.error
  • deprecated

    . Use Location.error_of_exn, Location.print_report.

val type_open : (?used_slot:bool ref -> Asttypes.override_flag -> Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t Asttypes.loc -> Path.t * Env.t) ref
val type_open_decl : (?used_slot:bool ref -> Env.t -> Parsetree.open_declaration -> Typedtree.open_declaration * Types.signature * Env.t) ref
val check_recursive_bindings : Env.t -> Typedtree.value_binding list -> unit
val check_recursive_class_bindings : Env.t -> Ident.t list -> Typedtree.class_expr list -> unit