Module PLUGIN.Command

type tags = Tags.t
type pathname = Pathname.t
type t =
| Seq of t list(*

A sequence of commands (like the `;' in shell)

| Cmd of spec(*

A command is made of command specifications (spec)

| Echo of string list * pathname(*

Write the given strings as is (newlines are not added) to the given file

| Nop(*

The command that does nothing


The type t provides some basic combinators and command primitives. Other commands can be made of command specifications (spec).

and spec =
| N(*

No operation.

| S of spec list(*

A sequence. This gets flattened in the last stages

| A of string(*

An atom.

| P of pathname(*

A pathname.

| Px of pathname(*

A pathname, that will also be given to the call_with_target hook.

| Sh of string(*

A bit of raw shell code, that will not be escaped.

| T of tags(*

A set of tags, that describe properties and some semantics information about the command, afterward these tags will be replaced by command specs (flags for instance).

| V of string(*

A virtual command, that will be resolved at execution using resolve_virtuals

| Quote of spec(*

A string that should be quoted like a filename but isn't really one.


The type for command specifications. That is pieces of command.

val atomize : string list -> spec

Will convert a string list to a list of atoms by adding A constructors.

val atomize_paths : string list -> spec

Will convert a string list to a list of paths by adding P constructors.

val execute : ?quiet:bool -> ?pretend:bool -> t -> unit

Run the command.

val execute_many : ?quiet:bool -> ?pretend:bool -> t list -> (bool list * exn) option

Run the commands in the given list, if possible in parallel. See the module Ocamlbuild_executor.

val setup_virtual_command_solver : string -> (unit -> spec) -> unit

setup_virtual_command_solver virtual_command solver the given solver can raise Not_found if it fails to find a valid command for this virtual command.

val search_in_path : string -> string

Search the given command in the command path and return its absolute pathname.

val reduce : spec -> spec

Simplify a command by flattening the sequences and resolving the tags into command-line options.

val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print a command (the format is not suitable to running the command).

val to_string : t -> string

Convert a command to a string (same format as print).

val string_of_command_spec : spec -> string

Build a string representation of a command that can be passed to the system calls.