Module Dominator.Make_graph


module G : I


include S with type t = G.t and type vertex = G.V.t
type t = G.t

type of graphs

type vertex = G.V.t

type of vertices

module S : Set.S with type elt = vertex
type idom = vertex -> vertex

function from n to n's immediate dominator

type idoms = vertex -> vertex -> bool

idoms x y is true when x is y's immediate dominator

type dom_tree = vertex -> vertex list

function from x to a list of nodes immediately dominated by x

type dominators = vertex -> vertex list

function from node to a list of nodes that dominate it.

type dom = vertex -> vertex -> bool

dom x y returns true iff x dominates y

type sdom = vertex -> vertex -> bool

sdom x y returns true iff x strictly dominates y.

type dom_frontier = vertex -> vertex list

function from x to a list of nodes not dominated by x, but with predecessors which are dominated by x

val compute_idom : t -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex

Computes the dominator tree, using the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm. compute_idom cfg s0 returns a function idom : V.t -> V.t s.t. idom x returns the immediate dominator of x.

val dominators_to_dom : ('a -> S.t) -> vertex -> 'a -> bool

Given a function from a node to it's dominators, returns a function dom : V.t -> V.t -> bool s.t. dom x y returns true when x dominates y.

val dominators_to_sdom : (vertex -> S.t) -> vertex -> vertex -> bool

Given a function from a node to it's dominators, returns a function sdom : V.t -> V.t -> bool s.t. sdom x y returns true when x strictly dominates y.

val dom_to_sdom : (vertex -> vertex -> bool) -> vertex -> vertex -> bool
val dominators_to_sdominators : (vertex -> S.t) -> vertex -> S.t

Given a a function from a node to it's dominators, returns a function from a node to it's strict dominators.

val dominators_to_idoms : (vertex -> S.t) -> vertex -> vertex -> bool

Given a function from a node to it's dominators, returns a function idoms : vertex -> vertex -> bool s.t. idoms x y returns true when x is the immediate dominator of y.

val dominators_to_dom_tree : t -> ?pred:(t -> vertex -> vertex list) -> (vertex -> S.t) -> vertex -> S.t

Computes a dominator tree (function from x to a list of nodes immediately dominated by x) for the given CFG and dominator function. Note: The dominator tree is also called IDom by Muchnick. Note: If you are computing a post-dominator tree, then the optional argument pred should be G.succ.

val idom_to_dom_tree : t -> (vertex -> vertex) -> vertex -> vertex list

Computes a dominator tree (function from x to a list of nodes immediately dominated by x) for the given CFG and idom function.

val idom_to_idoms : idom -> vertex -> vertex -> bool
val compute_dom_frontier : t -> dom_tree -> idom -> vertex -> vertex list

Computes the dominance frontier. As specified in section 19.1 of Modern Compiler Implementation in ML by Andrew Appel.

val idom_to_dominators : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a list
val idom_to_dom : (vertex -> vertex) -> vertex -> vertex -> bool
type dom_graph = unit -> t
type dom_functions = {
idom : idom;
idoms : idoms;
dom_tree : dom_tree;
dominators : dominators;
dom : dom;
sdom : sdom;
dom_frontier : dom_frontier;
dom_graph : dom_graph;
val compute_dom_graph : G.t -> dom_tree -> G.t
val compute_all : G.t -> vertex -> dom_functions

Computes all dominance functions.

This function computes some things eagerly and some lazily, so don't worry about it doing extra work to compute functions you don't need, but also don't call it if you aren't going to use anything it returns.

  • returns

    a record containing all dominance functions for the given graph and entry node.