Module Strat.Algo

Implements strategy algorithms on graphs


module G : G
module P : PLAYER with type vertex = G.vertex
module S : STRAT with type vertex = G.vertex


val coherent_player : G.t -> P.t -> bool

coherent_player g p returns true iff the completion p is coherent w.r.t. the graph g

val coherent_strat : G.t -> S.t -> bool

coherent_strat g s returns true iff the strategy s is coherent w.r.t. the graph g

val game : G.t -> P.t -> S.t -> S.t -> bool

game g p a b returns true iff a wins in g given the completion p (i.e. the game goes through a final state).

val strategy : G.t -> P.t -> S.t -> bool

strategy g p s returns true iff s wins in g given the completion p, whatever strategy plays the other player.

val strategyA : G.t -> P.t -> bool * S.t

strategyA g p returns true iff there exists a winning stragegy for the true player. In this case, the winning strategy is provided.