Module Fs.Directory

type t = directory
val dirname : t -> t
val basename : t -> t
val append : t -> t -> t
val reach_from : dir:t -> string -> t
  • raises Invalid_arg

    if parent/name exists but is not a directory.

val mkdir_p : t -> unit
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val fold_files_rec_result : ?ext:string -> ('a -> file -> ('aOr_error.msg) Or_error.result) -> 'a -> t -> ('a[> Or_error.msg ]) Or_error.result

fold_files_rec_result ~ext f acc d recursively folds f over the files with extension matching ext (defaults to "") contained in d and its sub directories. Stop as soon as f returns Error _.

module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t