Module DGraphSubTree.Make_from_dot_model


module Tree : Tree with type V.label = DGraphModel.DotG.V.t and type E.label = unit


include S with module Tree = Tree
module Tree = Tree
type t
val get_structure : t -> Tree.t
val get_root : t -> Tree.V.t
val get_tree_vertices : Tree.V.label -> t -> Tree.V.t list
val is_ghost_node : Tree.V.t -> t -> bool
val is_ghost_edge : Tree.E.t -> t -> bool
exception Ghost_node
val get_graph_vertex : Tree.V.t -> t -> Tree.V.label
val make : (Tree.V.labelDGraphModel.DotG.E.t, string) DGraphModel.abstract_model -> Tree.V.label -> int -> int -> t