Module Odoc_html.Tree

module Html = Tyxml.Html

Supported languages for printing code parts.

type uri =
| Absolute of string
| Relative of Odoc_document.Url.Path.t option(*

The type for absolute and relative URIs. The relative URIs are resolved using the HTML output directory as a target.


Page creator

val make : ?theme_uri:uri -> ?support_uri:uri -> indent:bool -> url:Odoc_document.Url.Path.t -> header:Html_types.flow5_without_header_footer Html.elt list -> toc:Html_types.flow5 Html.elt list -> string -> Html_types.div_content Html.elt list -> list ->

make ?theme_uri (body, children) calls "the page creator" to turn body into an [ `Html ] elt. If theme_uri is provided, it will be used to locate the theme files, otherwise the HTML output directory is used.

val open_details : bool ref

Whether <details> tags should be opened by default or not. Default is true.