Module Re.View

type t =
| Sequence of t list
| Alternative of t list
| Repeat of t * int * int option
| Beg_of_line
| End_of_line
| Beg_of_word
| End_of_word
| Not_bound
| Beg_of_str
| End_of_str
| Last_end_of_line
| Start
| Stop
| Sem of [ `Longest | `Shortest | `First ] * t
| Sem_greedy of [ `Greedy | `Non_greedy ] * t
| Group of t
| No_group of t
| Nest of t
| Case of t
| No_case of t
| Intersection of t list
| Complement of t list
| Difference of t * t
| Pmark of int * t

A view of the top-level of a regex. This type is unstable and may change

val view : t -> t