Persistent Directed Graphs.
include S
module Concrete (V : Sig.COMPARABLE) : Sig.P with type V.t = V.t and type V.label = V.t and type E.t = V.t * V.t and type E.label = unit
Persistent Unlabeled Graphs.
Abstract Persistent Unlabeled Graphs.
module ConcreteLabeled (V : Sig.COMPARABLE) (E : Sig.ORDERED_TYPE_DFT) : Sig.P with type V.t = V.t and type V.label = V.t and type E.t = V.t * E.t * V.t and type E.label = E.t
Persistent Labeled Graphs.
module AbstractLabeled (V : Sig.ANY_TYPE) (E : Sig.ORDERED_TYPE_DFT) : Sig.P with type V.label = V.t and type E.label = E.t
Abstract Persistent Labeled Graphs.
Bidirectional graphs use more memory space (at worse the double) that standard concrete directional graphs. But accessing predecessors and removing a vertex are faster.