Module Odoc_model.Comment

module Path = Paths.Path
module Reference = Paths.Reference
module Identifier = Paths.Identifier
type 'a with_location = 'a Location_.with_location
type style = [
| `Bold
| `Italic
| `Emphasis
| `Superscript
| `Subscript
type raw_markup_target = string
type leaf_inline_element = [
| `Space
| `Word of string
| `Code_span of string
| `Raw_markup of raw_markup_target * string
type inline_element = [
| leaf_inline_element
| `Styled of style * inline_element with_location list
| `Reference of Reference.t * link_content
type paragraph = inline_element with_location list
type module_reference = {
module_reference : Reference.Module.t;
module_synopsis : paragraph option;

The {!modules: ...} markup. module_synopsis is initially None, it is resolved during linking.

type nestable_block_element = [
| `Paragraph of paragraph
| `Code_block of string with_location
| `Verbatim of string
| `Modules of module_reference list
| `List of [ `Unordered | `Ordered ] * nestable_block_element with_location list list
type tag = [
| `Author of string
| `Deprecated of nestable_block_element with_location list
| `Param of string * nestable_block_element with_location list
| `Raise of string * nestable_block_element with_location list
| `Return of nestable_block_element with_location list
| `See of [ `Url | `File | `Document ] * string * nestable_block_element with_location list
| `Since of string
| `Before of string * nestable_block_element with_location list
| `Version of string
type heading_level = [
| `Title
| `Section
| `Subsection
| `Subsubsection
| `Paragraph
| `Subparagraph
type attached_block_element = [
| nestable_block_element
| `Tag of tag
type heading_attrs = {
heading_level : heading_level;
heading_label_explicit : bool;(*

Whether the label have been written by the user.

type block_element = [
| nestable_block_element
| `Heading of heading_attrs * Identifier.Label.t * link_content
| `Tag of tag
type docs = block_element with_location list
type docs_or_stop = [
| `Docs of docs
| `Stop
val synopsis : [> `Paragraph of 'a ] Location_.with_location list -> 'a option

The synopsis is the first element of a comment if it is a paragraph. Otherwise, there is no synopsis.