Module Os.Fd

File descriptors operations.

val unix_buffer_size : int

unix_buffer_size is the value of the OCaml runtime system buffer size for I/O operations.

val apply : close:(Unix.file_descr -> unit) -> Unix.file_descr -> (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a

apply ~close fd f calls f fd and ensure close fd is is called whenever the function returns. Any Unix.Unix_error raised by close fd is ignored.

val copy : ?buf:Bytes.t -> src:Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> unit

copy ~buf ~src dst reads src and writes it to dst using buf as a buffer; if unspecified a buffer of length unix_buffer_size is created for the call. Raise Unix.Unix_error if that happens

val to_string : Unix.file_descr -> string

to_string fd reads fd to a string. Raises Unix.Unix_error in case of error.

val read_file : string -> Unix.file_descr -> string

read_file fn fd reads fd to a string assuming it is a file descriptor open on file path fn.

  • raises Failure

    in case of error with an error message that mentions fn.