Module Components.Make

Functor providing functions to compute strongly connected components of a graph.


module G : G


val scc : G.t -> int * (G.V.t -> int)

scc g computes the strongly connected components of g. The result is a pair (n,f) where n is the number of components. Components are numbered from 0 to n-1, and f is a function mapping each vertex to its component number. In particular, f u = f v if and only if u and v are in the same component. Another property of the numbering is that components are numbered in a topological order: if there is an arc from u to v, then f u >= f u

Not tail-recursive. Complexity: O(V+E) The function returned has complexity O(1)

val scc_array : G.t -> G.V.t list array

scc_array g computes the strongly connected components of g. Components are stored in the resulting array, indexed with a numbering with the same properties as for scc above.

val scc_list : G.t -> G.V.t list list

scc_list g computes the strongly connected components of g. The result is a partition of the set of the vertices of g. The n-th components is (scc_array g).(n-1).