Module Graphviz.NeatoAttributes

type graph = [
| CommonAttributes.graph
| `Margin of float * float(*

Sets the page margin (included in the page size). Default value is 0.5, 0.5.

| `Start of int(*

Seed for random number generator.

| `Overlap of bool(*

Default value is true.

| `Spline of bool(*

true makes edge splines if nodes don't overlap. Default value is false.

| `Sep of float(*

Edge spline separation factor from nodes. Default value is 0.0.


Attributes of graphs. They include all common graph attributes and several specific ones. All attributes described in the "Neato User's manual, April 10, 2002" are handled.

type vertex = [
| CommonAttributes.vertex
| `Pos of float * float(*

Initial coordinates of the vertex.


Attributes of nodes. They include all common node attributes and several specific ones. All attributes described in the "Neato User's manual, April 10, 2002" are handled.

type edge = [
| CommonAttributes.edge
| `Id of string(*

Optional value to distinguish multiple edges.

| `Len of float(*

Preferred length of edge. Default value is 1.0.

| `Weight of float(*

Strength of edge spring. Default value is 1.0.


Attributes of edges. They include all common edge attributes and several specific ones. All attributes described in the "Neato User's manual, April 10, 2002" are handled.

type subgraph = {
sg_name : string;
sg_attributes : vertex list;
sg_parent : string option;

Subgraphs have a name and some vertices.