Module Import_for_core.Select_ast


module Ocaml : sig ... end


include module type of struct include Js end

Ast definition for this version

val version : int
val string_version : string
type types = < structure : Ast.Parsetree.structure; signature : Ast.Parsetree.signature; toplevel_phrase : Ast.Parsetree.toplevel_phrase; core_type : Ast.Parsetree.core_type; expression : Ast.Parsetree.expression; pattern : Ast.Parsetree.pattern; case :; type_declaration : Ast.Parsetree.type_declaration; type_extension : Ast.Parsetree.type_extension; extension_constructor : Ast.Parsetree.extension_constructor; >

Shortcut for talking about Ast types

type Ppxlib_ast__Versions.witnesses +=
| Version : types Ppxlib_ast__Versions.witnesses

A construtor for recovering type equalities between two arbitrary versions.

val migration_info : types Ppxlib_ast__Versions.migration_info

Information used to derive migration functions, see below

module Type : sig ... end
module Of_ocaml : sig ... end
module To_ocaml : sig ... end
val of_ocaml : ocaml js. ('js'ocaml) Type.t -> 'ocaml -> 'js
val to_ocaml : ocaml js. ('js'ocaml) Type.t -> 'js -> 'ocaml
val of_ocaml_mapper : ('a'b) Type.t -> ('c -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'c -> 'a -> 'a
val to_ocaml_mapper : ('a'b) Type.t -> ('c -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b -> 'b