Module OpamCoreConfig

Configuration options for the core lib (record, global reference and setter)

module StringMap : Map.S with type key = string
type t = private {
debug_level : int;(*

Controls debug messages, 0 to disable

debug_sections : int option StringMap.t;(*

Controls which sections display debugging messages. If empty, all messages are displayed.

verbose_level : int;(*

Controls printing of external commands and output, 0 to disable, more means print more low-level commands

color : [ `Always | `Never | `Auto ];(*

Console ANSI color control

utf8 : [ `Extended | `Always | `Never | `Auto ];(*

Controls usage of UTF8 in OPAM-generated messages. Extended adds camel emojis

disp_status_line : [ `Always | `Never | `Auto ];(*

Controls on-line display of parallel commands being run, using ANSI escapes

answer : bool option;(*

Affects interactive questions in OpamConsole: auto-answer with the given bool if Some

safe_mode : bool;(*

Fail on writes or delays, don't ask questions (for quick queries, e.g. for shell completion)

log_dir : string;(*

Where to store log and temporary files (output from commands...)

keep_log_dir : bool;(*

Whether to cleanup temporary and log files on exit

errlog_length : int;(*

The number of log lines displayed on process error. 0 for all

merged_output : bool;(*

If set, stderr of commands is merged into their stdout

use_openssl : bool;(*

If false, will use built-in hash functions without checking for an openssl executable first

precise_tracking : bool;(*

If set, will take full md5 of all files when checking diffs (to track installations), rather than rely on just file size and mtime

set : bool;(*

Options have not yet been initialised (i.e. defaults are active)

type 'a options_fun = ?debug_level:int -> ?debug_sections:int option StringMap.t -> ?verbose_level:int -> ?color:[ `Always | `Never | `Auto ] -> ?utf8:[ `Extended | `Always | `Never | `Auto ] -> ?disp_status_line:[ `Always | `Never | `Auto ] -> ?answer:bool option -> ?safe_mode:bool -> ?log_dir:string -> ?keep_log_dir:bool -> ?errlog_length:int -> ?merged_output:bool -> ?use_openssl:bool -> ?precise_tracking:bool -> 'a
val default : t
val set : t -> (unit -> t) options_fun
val setk : (t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a options_fun
val r : t ref
val update : ?noop:_ -> (unit -> unit) options_fun
val developer : bool

true if OPAM was compiled in developer mode