Management of the documentation environment.
This is the module which does the link between packages, directories and Odoc_xref2
's needs.
val create : important_digests:bool -> directories:Fs.Directory.t list ->
open_modules:string list -> t
Prepare the environment for a given list of include directories
val lookup_page : t -> string -> Odoc_model.Lang.Page.t option
val build_env_for_unit : t -> Odoc_model.Lang.Compilation_unit.t -> Odoc_xref2.Env.t
Initialize the environment for the given module.
val build_env_for_page : t -> Odoc_model.Lang.Page.t -> Odoc_xref2.Env.t
Initialize the environment for the given page.
val resolve_import : t -> string -> Odoc_model.Root.t option
Similar to Odoc_xref2.Env.lookup_root_module
but save work by loading only the root. Only used when resolving imports, which are needed for the link-deps