Module Omd

A markdown parser in OCaml.

type attributes = (string * string) list
and inline = {
il_desc : inline_desc;
il_attributes : attributes;
and inline_desc =
| Concat of inline list
| Text of string
| Emph of inline
| Strong of inline
| Code of string
| Hard_break
| Soft_break
| Image of link
| Html of string
type list_type =
| Ordered of int * char
| Bullet of char
type list_spacing =
| Loose
| Tight
type def_elt = {
term : inline;
defs : inline list;
and block = {
bl_desc : block_desc;
bl_attributes : attributes;
and block_desc =
| Paragraph of inline
| List of list_type * list_spacing * block list list
| Blockquote of block list
| Thematic_break
| Heading of int * inline
| Code_block of string * string
| Html_block of string
| Definition_list of def_elt list
type doc = block list

A markdown document

val of_channel : in_channel -> doc
val of_string : string -> doc
val to_html : doc -> string
val to_sexp : doc -> string