include module type of struct include Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.Builtin end
val lazy_t_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type 'a array = 'a Array.t
val array_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type bool = Bool.t
val hash_fold_bool : Hash.state -> bool -> Hash.state
val hash_bool : bool -> Hash.hash_value
val bool_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type char = Char.t
val hash_fold_char : Hash.state -> char -> Hash.state
val hash_char : char -> Hash.hash_value
val char_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type exn = Exn.t
type float = Float.t
val hash_fold_float : Hash.state -> float -> Hash.state
val hash_float : float -> Hash.hash_value
val float_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type int = Int.t
val hash_fold_int : Hash.state -> int -> Hash.state
val hash_int : int -> Hash.hash_value
val int_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type int32 = Int32.t
val hash_fold_int32 : Hash.state -> int32 -> Hash.state
val hash_int32 : int32 -> Hash.hash_value
val int32_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type int64 = Int64.t
val hash_fold_int64 : Hash.state -> int64 -> Hash.state
val hash_int64 : int64 -> Hash.hash_value
val int64_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type 'a list = 'a List.t
val hash_fold_list : a. (Hash.state -> 'a -> Hash.state) -> Hash.state -> 'a list -> Hash.state
val list_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type nativeint = Nativeint.t
val hash_fold_nativeint : Hash.state -> nativeint -> Hash.state
val hash_nativeint : nativeint -> Hash.hash_value
val nativeint_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type 'a option = 'a Option.t
val hash_fold_option : a. (Hash.state -> 'a -> Hash.state) -> Hash.state -> 'a option -> Hash.state
val option_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type 'a ref = 'a Ref.t
val ref_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type string = String.t
val hash_fold_string : Hash.state -> string -> Hash.state
val hash_string : string -> Hash.hash_value
val string_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type bytes = Bytes.t
val bytes_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
type unit = Unit.t
val hash_fold_unit : Hash.state -> unit -> Hash.state
val hash_unit : unit -> Hash.hash_value
val unit_sexp_grammar : Sexp.Private.Raw_grammar.t
Format stuff
type nonrec ('a, 'b, 'c) format = ('a, 'b, 'c) format
type nonrec ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
type nonrec ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6
Exporting the ad-hoc types that are recognized by ppx_sexp_*
converters. sexp_array
, sexp_list
, and sexp_option
allow a record field to be absent when converting from a sexp, and if absent, the field will take a default value of the appropriate type:
sexp_array [||] sexp_bool false sexp_list [] sexp_option None
causes the conversion to sexp to produce the atom <opaque>
For more documentation, see sexplib/
type 'a sexp_array = 'a array
type 'a sexp_list = 'a list
type 'a sexp_option = 'a option
List operators
include module type of struct include List.Infix end
Int operators and comparisons
Float operators
include module type of struct include Float.O_dot end
Similar to O
, except that operators are suffixed with a dot, allowing one to have both int and float operators in scope simultaneously.
Reverse application operator. x |> g |> f
is equivalent to f (g (x))
Boolean operations
val ignore : _ -> unit
Reference operations
val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a
val ref : 'a -> 'a ref
Pair operations
Exceptions stuff
val raise : exn -> _
val raise_s : Sexp.t -> 'a
val force : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a