Module XDot.Make

Instantiates a module which creates graph layouts from xdot files



module HV : Hashtbl.S with type key = G.V.t
module HE : Map.S with type key = G.E.t
type graph_layout = {
vertex_layouts : node_layout HV.t;
edge_layouts : edge_layout HE.t;
cluster_layouts : (string, cluster_layout) Hashtbl.t;
bbox : bounding_box;

Main layout type

exception DotError of string
val layout_of_xdot : xdot_file:string -> G.t -> graph_layout

Extracts a layout of an xdot file

val layout_of_dot : ?cmd:string -> dot_file:string -> G.t -> graph_layout

Using the dot file and graphviz, create an xdot and extracts its layout.