Module String.Exceptionless

Exceptionless counterparts for error-raising operations

val to_int : string -> int option

Returns the integer represented by the given string or None if the string does not represent an integer.

val to_float : string -> float option

Returns the float represented by the given string or None if the string does not represent a float.

val index : string -> char -> int option

index s c returns Some p, the position of the leftmost occurrence of character c in string s or None if c does not occur in s.

val rindex : string -> char -> int option

rindex s c returns Some p, the position of the rightmost occurrence of character c in string s or None if c does not occur in s.

val index_from : string -> int -> char -> int option

Same as String.Exceptionless.index, but start searching at the character position given as second argument. index s c is equivalent to index_from s 0 c.

val rindex_from : string -> int -> char -> int option

Same as String.Exceptionless.rindex, but start searching at the character position given as second argument. rindex s c is equivalent to rindex_from s (String.length s - 1) c.

val find : string -> string -> int option

find s x returns Some i, the starting index of the first occurrence of string x within string s, or None if x is not a substring of s.

Note This implementation is optimized for short strings.

val find_from : string -> int -> string -> int option

find_from s ofs x behaves as find s x but starts searching at offset ofs. find s x is equivalent to find_from s 0 x.

val rfind : string -> string -> int option

rfind s x returns Some i, the starting index of the last occurrence of string x within string s, or None if x is not a substring of s.

Note This implementation is optimized for short strings.

val rfind_from : string -> int -> string -> int option

rfind_from s ofs x behaves as rfind s x but starts searching at offset ofs. rfind s x is equivalent to rfind_from s (String.length s - 1) x.

val split : string -> by:string -> (string * string) option

split s sep splits the string s between the first occurrence of sep, or returns None if the separator is not found.

val rsplit : string -> by:string -> (string * string) option

rsplit s sep splits the string s between the last occurrence of sep, or returns None if the separator is not found.