Module Ctypes_static

type abstract_type = {
aname : string;
asize : int;
aalignment : int;
type !_ ocaml_type =
| String : string ocaml_type
| Bytes : bytes ocaml_type
| FloatArray : float array ocaml_type
type incomplete_size = {
mutable isize : int;
type structured_spec = {
size : int;
align : int;
type !'a structspec =
| Incomplete of incomplete_size
| Complete of structured_spec
type !_ typ =
| Void : unit typ
| Primitive : 'a Ctypes_primitive_types.prim -> 'a typ
| Pointer : 'a0 typ -> 'a0 ptr typ
| Funptr : 'a1 fn -> 'a1 static_funptr typ
| Struct : 'a2 structure_type -> 'a2 structure typ
| Union : 'a3 union_type -> 'a3 union typ
| Abstract : abstract_type -> 'a4 abstract typ
| View : ('a5'b) view -> 'a5 typ
| Array : 'a6 typ * int -> 'a6 carray typ
| Bigarray : ('c'a7'd) Ctypes_bigarray.t -> 'a7 typ
| OCaml : 'a8 ocaml_type -> 'a8 ocaml typ
and !'a carray = {
astart : 'a ptr;
alength : int;
and (!'a, !'kind) structured = {
structured : ('a'kind) structured ptr;
and !'a union = ('a[ `Union ]) structured
and !'a structure = ('a[ `Struct ]) structured
and !'a abstract = ('a[ `Abstract ]) structured
and (!_, !_) pointer =
| CPointer : (Obj.t option'a typ) Ctypes_ptr.Fat.t -> ('a[ `C ]) pointer
| OCamlRef : int * 'a0 * 'a0 ocaml_type -> ('a0[ `OCaml ]) pointer
and !'a ptr = ('a[ `C ]) pointer
and !'a ocaml = ('a[ `OCaml ]) pointer
and !'a0 static_funptr =
| Static_funptr : (Obj.t option'a fn) Ctypes_ptr.Fat.t -> 'a static_funptr
and (!'a, !'b) view = {
read : 'b -> 'a;
write : 'a -> 'b;
format_typ : ((Format.formatter -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> unit) option;
format : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) option;
ty : 'b typ;
and (!'a, !'s) field = {
ftype : 'a typ;
foffset : int;
fname : string;
and !'a structure_type = {
tag : string;
mutable spec : 'a structspec;
mutable fields : 'a structure boxed_field list;
and !'a union_type = {
utag : string;
mutable uspec : structured_spec option;
mutable ufields : 'a union boxed_field list;
and !'s0 boxed_field =
| BoxedField : ('a's) field -> 's boxed_field
and !_ fn =
| Returns : 'a typ -> 'a fn
| Function : 'a0 typ * 'b fn -> ('a0 -> 'b) fn
type !_ bigarray_class =
| Genarray : < ba_repr : 'b; bigarray : ('a'b'l) Bigarray_compat.Genarray.t; carray : 'a carray; dims : int array; element : 'a; layout : 'l; > bigarray_class
| Array1 : < ba_repr : 'b0; bigarray : ('a0'b0'l0) Bigarray_compat.Array1.t; carray : 'a0 carray; dims : int; element : 'a0; layout : 'l0; > bigarray_class
| Array2 : < ba_repr : 'b1; bigarray : ('a1'b1'l1) Bigarray_compat.Array2.t; carray : 'a1 carray carray; dims : int * int; element : 'a1; layout : 'l1; > bigarray_class
| Array3 : < ba_repr : 'b2; bigarray : ('a2'b2'l2) Bigarray_compat.Array3.t; carray : 'a2 carray carray carray; dims : int * int * int; element : 'a2; layout : 'l2; > bigarray_class
type boxed_typ =
| BoxedType : 'a typ -> boxed_typ
val sizeof : 'a typ -> int
val alignment : 'a typ -> int
val passable : 'a typ -> bool
val ocaml_value : 'a typ -> bool
val has_ocaml_argument : 'a fn -> bool
val void : unit typ
val char : char typ
val schar : int typ
val float : float typ
val double : float typ
val ldouble : LDouble.t typ
val complex32 : Complex.t typ
val complex64 : Complex.t typ
val complexld : ComplexL.t typ
val short : int typ
val int : int typ
val sint : Signed.sint typ
val long : Signed.long typ
val llong : Signed.llong typ
val nativeint : nativeint typ
val int8_t : int typ
val int16_t : int typ
val int32_t : Signed.Int32.t typ
val int64_t : Signed.Int64.t typ
val camlint : int typ
val uchar : Unsigned.uchar typ
val bool : bool typ
val uint8_t : Unsigned.UInt8.t typ
val uint16_t : Unsigned.UInt16.t typ
val uint32_t : Unsigned.UInt32.t typ
val uint64_t : Unsigned.UInt64.t typ
val size_t : Unsigned.size_t typ
val ushort : Unsigned.ushort typ
val uint : Unsigned.uint typ
val ulong : Unsigned.ulong typ
val ullong : Unsigned.ullong typ
val array : int -> 'a typ -> 'a carray typ
val ocaml_string : string ocaml typ
val ocaml_bytes : bytes ocaml typ
val ocaml_float_array : float array ocaml typ
val ptr : 'a typ -> 'a ptr typ
val (@->) : 'a typ -> 'b fn -> ('a -> 'b) fn
val abstract : name:string -> size:int -> alignment:int -> 'a abstract typ
val view : ?format_typ:((Format.formatter -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> unit) -> ?format:(Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) -> read:('a -> 'b) -> write:('b -> 'a) -> 'a typ -> 'b typ
val typedef : 'a typ -> string -> 'a typ
val bigarray : < ba_repr : 'c; bigarray : 'd; carray : 'e; dims : 'b; element : 'a; layout : Bigarray_compat.c_layout; > bigarray_class -> 'b -> ('a'c) Bigarray_compat.kind -> 'd typ
val fortran_bigarray : < ba_repr : 'c; bigarray : 'd; carray : 'e; dims : 'b; element : 'a; layout : Bigarray_compat.fortran_layout; > bigarray_class -> 'b -> ('a'c) Bigarray_compat.kind -> 'd typ
val returning : 'a typ -> 'a fn
val static_funptr : 'a fn -> 'a static_funptr typ
val structure : string -> 'a structure typ
val union : string -> 'a union typ
val offsetof : ('a'b) field -> int
val field_type : ('a'b) field -> 'a typ
val field_name : ('a'b) field -> string
exception IncompleteType
exception ModifyingSealedType of string
exception Unsupported of string
val unsupported : ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a
type arithmetic =
| Int8
| Int16
| Int32
| Int64
| Uint8
| Uint16
| Uint32
| Uint64
| Float
| Double