Module type Classic.S

type graph
val divisors : int -> graph

divisors n builds the graph of divisors. Vertices are integers from 2 to n. i is connected to j if and only if i divides j.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    is n < 2.

val de_bruijn : int -> graph

de_bruijn n builds the de Bruijn graph of order n. Vertices are bit sequences of length n (encoded as their interpretation as binary integers). The sequence xw is connected to the sequence wy for any bits x and y and any bit sequence w of length n-1.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    is n < 1 or n > Sys.word_size-1.

val vertex_only : int -> graph

vertex_only n builds a graph with n vertices and no edge.

val full : ?self:bool -> int -> graph

full n builds a graph with n vertices and all possible edges. The optional argument self indicates if loop edges should be added (default value is true).