Module Oper.Neighbourhood

Neighbourhood of vertex / vertices


module G : sig ... end


module Vertex_Set : Set.S with type elt = G.V.t

The neighbourhood of a vertex v is { v' | (succ g v) and (v <> v') }

val list_from_vertex : G.t -> G.V.t -> G.V.t list

Neighbourhood of a vertex as a list.

val set_from_vertex : G.t -> G.V.t -> Vertex_Set.t

Neighbourhood of a vertex as a set. Less efficient that list_from_vertex.

The neighbourhood of a set S of vertices is U \ S where U is the union of neighbourhoods of each vertex of S.

val list_from_vertices : G.t -> G.V.t list -> G.V.t list

Neighbourhood of a list of vertices as a list.

val set_from_vertices : G.t -> G.V.t list -> Vertex_Set.t

Neighbourhood of a list of vertices as a set. More efficient that list_from_vertices.