Module Odoc_latex.Raw

Raw latex primitives:

type pr = Format.formatter -> unit

Helper types

type 'a with_options = ?options:pr list -> 'a
type ('a, 'b) tr = 'a Fmt.t -> 'b Fmt.t
type 'a t = ('a'a) tr
module Escape : sig ... end
val rightarrow : pr
val label : string Fmt.t
val verbatim : string Fmt.t
val pageref_star : string Fmt.t
val hyperref : string -> 'a t
val href : string -> 'a t
val ref : string Fmt.t
val url : string Fmt.t
val footnote : string Fmt.t
val emph : 'a t
val bold : 'a t
val subscript : 'a t
val superscript : 'a t
val section : 'a t
val subsection : 'a t
val subsubsection : 'a t
val paragraph : 'a t
val enumerate : 'a t
val itemize : 'a t
val description : ('a('a * 'a) list) tr
val item : 'a t with_options
val small_table : ('a'a list list) tr
val input : Fpath.t Fmt.t

Required OCaml-specific primitives

All the macro should be implemented as "ocaml"-suffixed macro in the latex preamble

val inline_code : 'a t

Code block customization

val code_fragment : 'a t
val code_block : 'a t

Package-dependent primitives

val indent : 'a t

expected to be implemented with changepage/adjustwidth

val ocamltabular : column_desc:pr -> 'a t

Any tabular implementation that works well with at most 10 rows


val ocamltag : string -> 'a t

tag (e.g keyword, type-var, ...) are rendered to
