Module Typedecl

val transl_type_exception : Env.t -> Parsetree.type_exception -> Typedtree.type_exception * Env.t
val transl_type_extension : bool -> Env.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.type_extension -> Typedtree.type_extension * Env.t
val transl_with_constraint : Ident.t -> Path.t option -> sig_env:Env.t -> sig_decl:Types.type_declaration -> outer_env:Env.t -> Parsetree.type_declaration -> Typedtree.type_declaration
val abstract_type_decl : injective:bool -> int -> Types.type_declaration
val approx_type_decl : Parsetree.type_declaration list -> (Ident.t * Types.type_declaration) list
val check_recmod_typedecl : Env.t -> Location.t -> Ident.t list -> Path.t -> Types.type_declaration -> unit
val check_coherence : Env.t -> Location.t -> Path.t -> Types.type_declaration -> unit
val is_fixed_type : Parsetree.type_declaration -> bool
val get_unboxed_type_representation : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr option
type native_repr_kind =
| Unboxed
| Untagged
type error =
| Repeated_parameter
| Duplicate_constructor of string
| Too_many_constructors
| Duplicate_label of string
| Recursive_abbrev of string
| Cycle_in_def of string * Types.type_expr
| Definition_mismatch of Types.type_expr * Includecore.type_mismatch option
| Constraint_failed of Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr
| Inconsistent_constraint of Env.t * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Type_clash of Env.t * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Non_regular of {
definition : Path.t;
used_as : Types.type_expr;
defined_as : Types.type_expr;
expansions : (Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr) list;
| Null_arity_external
| Missing_native_external
| Unbound_type_var of Types.type_expr * Types.type_declaration
| Cannot_extend_private_type of Path.t
| Not_extensible_type of Path.t
| Extension_mismatch of Path.t * Includecore.type_mismatch
| Rebind_wrong_type of Longident.t * Env.t * Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Rebind_mismatch of Longident.t * Path.t * Path.t
| Rebind_private of Longident.t
| Variance of Typedecl_variance.error
| Unavailable_type_constructor of Path.t
| Bad_fixed_type of string
| Unbound_type_var_ext of Types.type_expr * Types.extension_constructor
| Val_in_structure
| Multiple_native_repr_attributes
| Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type of native_repr_kind
| Deep_unbox_or_untag_attribute of native_repr_kind
| Immediacy of Typedecl_immediacy.error
| Separability of Typedecl_separability.error
| Bad_unboxed_attribute of string
| Boxed_and_unboxed
| Nonrec_gadt
exception Error of Location.t * error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit